
Unlimited projects. Unlimited opportunities to win.

Start with our Start plan, grow to unlimited opportunities to win.

Try EstiWiz with 2 weeks of free trial.


Business Requirements & Scoping tools
Unlimited users
Unlimited projects
Start a free trial


All Start plan benefits
Dedicated CMS
Advanced tools for complex proposals
  Let's talk  


How do I get started with the free trial?

Getting started with our free trial is simple. Sign up with your email, and you'll receive instant access to all features for 14 days, no credit card required. Our onboarding team will guide you through the setup process to ensure you make the most out of your trial period.

What does "Unlimited projects" mean?

Our unlimited projects feature means you can create, manage, and track as many project proposals as you need without any restrictions, ensuring you can handle all your proposals and client demands efficiently.

What are "All tools for end-to-end proposals"?

"All tools for end-to-end proposals" includes everything you need to create, manage, and finalize proposals. This covers project estimation, scope definition, resource planning, smart quoting, proposal generation, and collaboration tools to streamline the entire process from start to finish.

What support options are available with each plan?

The Start plan includes standard email support, while the Accelerate plan provides 24/7 priority support along with a dedicated account manager to assist you with any needs.

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